Year of Care Partnerships® is an NHS based organisation that is dedicated to the implementation of personalised approaches to care. The team has experience and expertise in the development and implementation of a range of patient focused approaches including the design of patient education programmes and shared decision-making.
Our main area of expertise and achievement is that we have pioneered, designed and developed a method to implement personalised care and support planning as a replacement to usual routine planned care for people with long term conditions within primary care. You can read more about this in The Year of Care approach: developing a model and delivery programme for care and support planning in long-term conditions published in BMC Family Practice in 2019.
The team has a wealth of experience, expertise and resources and has developed a ‘gold standard’ approach tailored to support organisations who want to embed high quality personalised care and support planning using the Year of Care whole system approach.

This is focused on three key areas: culture change, how care delivery is organised and the development of personalised care and support planning skills within the workforce. This approach supports self-management and care coordination.
Our training and facilitation programme is built on the learning and expertise developed as a result of implementation over the last 15 years and is accredited by the Personalised Care Institute. The team is based in Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
We prefer to work directly with organisations to develop local localised plans around implementation and to develop partnerships with local clinical teams, commissioners, policy makers and others with similar aims and objectives.
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