Year of Care Partnerships® publish a regular newsletter, The House Journal, to the community of practice (and others on our mailing list) and they are attached below.
Issue 6 CSP and community teams March 2017
In this issue we turn our attention to care and support planning centred on community teams, including people who are housebound. An exemplar of this work is highlighted in a featured story from Carlisle Healthcare kindly shared with us by Dr Robert Westgate. We also explain how care and support planning training can help meet the indicators in the 2017/19 CQUIN.6
Issue 5 BHF project edition December 2016
This edition focuses on the Year of Care collaboration with the British Heart Foundation and Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland to implement care and support planning for people with cardiovascular disease.
Issue 4 The importance of facilitation October 2016
In this edition we focus on facilitation and support for clinical teams to implement care and support planning. This topic was requested by the community following the Network Event in June. Teams from Thames Valley, Hardwick and Newcastle and Gateshead volunteered to share their local experience.
If you would like to be added to the mailing list for the newsletter then please contact us at