Personalised or patient-centred care has been included within health policy for more than 20 years, and it is seen as key to enhancing the quality and safety of care via the involvement and engagement of people via shared decision making around health care choices and the promotion of self-management.
The Year of Care approach to personalised care and support planning provides a way of working with people which respects their views and involves them in a meaningful way within the personalised care and support planning conversations. This approach is recommended within key policy documents as an evidence-based approach to personalising care for people living with physical and mental health issues.
The documents below layout the key policy documents and drivers in Scotland and England which emphasis or recommend the Year of Care (referred to as House of Care in Scotland) approach and call for implementation of this way of working.
Graham Kramer is a GP and National Clinical Lead for Self-management and Health Literacy for Scotland. He presented at the Year of Care Network Event in June 2016 and talked about links between policy and practice and the need to implement a ‘new clinical method’. You can see a summary of his keynote speech at the following link:
Graham Kramer – care and support planning – the future of primary care – a Scottish perspective
The Year of Care approach has been endorsed by The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) which includes personalised care planning as a professional standard for GPs building on the Year of Care model discussed in Care planning – Improving the lives of people with LTCs 2011.