Reports and summaries
Theory and the Real World – What happens in Practice: Introducing a complex intervention into a complex environment: ten challenges and dilemmas from the YOC Programme – This brief review from the Year of Care Stakeholder Reviewer is also summarised as Chapter 17 of Year of Care: Report of findings from the pilot programme. It describes some of the real challenges of introducing complex change within a complex organisation like the NHS. It should prove of interest to policy makers, service and project managers and innovation leaders.
Internal documents commissioned for use by Year of Care Pilot Programme
Year of Care: Evaluation Policy Statement: July 2009
Reports from Tribal Consulting (now Capita)
Evaluating Pilot Sites as they Prepare for Year of Care: 2008
Year of Care: Calderdale and Kirklees Case Study: September 2009
Year of Care: North of Tyne Case Study: September 2009
Year of Care: Tower Hamlets Case Study: September 2009
Reports from Annual Stakeholder Interviews
This page provides direct access to many of the supporting references referred to in the Year of Care Report of Findings from the Pilot Programme – June 2011
- Darzi A. Department of Health. (2008). High Quality Care for All: NHS Next Stage Review Final Report
- Department of Health. (2004). Choosing Health: Making Healthy Choices Easier
- Department of Health. (2010). Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS
- Department of Health. (2010). Improving the Health and Well-Being of People with Long Term Conditions. World Class Services for People with Long Term Conditions: Information Tool for Commissioners
- Department of Health. (2003). National Service Framework for Diabetes: Delivery Strategy
- Department of Health. (2006). Our Health, Our Care, Our Say: A New Direction for Community Services
- Department of Health. (2005). Supporting People with LTCs
- Department of Health. (2009). Whole Systems Demonstrators. An Overview of Telecare and Telehealth
- National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). (2011). Diabetes in Adults Quality Standard
- NHS Diabetes. (2009). Commissioning Diabetes Without Walls
- Wanless D. (2002). Securing Our Future Health: Taking a Long-Term View. Final Report. HM Treasury
User perspectives and healthcare system design
- Improving primary care for patients with chronic illness: The chronic care model part 2: JAMA October 16 2002 (Bodenheimer T, Wagner EH, Grumbach K)
- Davis K, Schoen C,Stremikis K. The Commonwealth Fund. (2010). Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: How the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally
- Degeling, P. The Concept of a Year of Care
- Department of Health. (2005). MORI Survey: Public Attitudes to Self-Care Baseline Survey
- Healthcare Commission. (2006). Diabetes: The Views of People with Diabetes. Key Findings from the 2006 Survey
- Managing Diabetes: Improving services for people with diabetes. Service review. Healthcare Commission 2007
- King’s Fund. (2011). Improving the Quality of Care in General Practice. Report of an Independent Inquiry Commissioned by The King’s Fund
- King’s Fund. (2010). Managing People with Long-Term Conditions. Research Paper Goodwin et al. An inquiry into the quality of general practice in England
- NHS Alliance (2010) Whose NHS is it anyway? Sharing the Power with Patients and the Public
- Is the NHS becoming more patient centred? Trends from the national surveys of NHS patients in England 2002-2007: Picker Institute (Richards N, Coulter A) Sept 2007
- Supporting people who live with long term conditions – patient-centredness is not enough (2008). Report from workshop supported by The Health Foundation.
- Improving Chronic Illness Care: Translating evidence into action: Health Affairs: Nov-Dec 2001 (Wagner EH, Austin BT, Davis C, Hindmarsh M, Schaefer J, Bonomi A)
- Chronic Disease Management: What will it take to improve care for chronic illness? Aug-Sept 1998 (Wagner EH)
- Organizing care for patients with chronic illness: 1996 (Wagner EH, Austin BT, Von Korff M)
Supporting self-management
- Benner, JS et al. (2002). Long-Term Persistence in use of Statin Therapy in Elderly Patients. JAMA; 288: 455-461
- Blakeman T, Macdonald W, Bower P, Gately C. (2006). A Qualitative Study of GPs’ Attitudes to Self-Management of Chronic Disease. Br J Gen Pract. Jun;56(527). 407–14
- Kripalani S, Yao X, Haynes RB. (2007). Interventions to Enhance Medication Adherence in Chronic Medical Conditions: A Systematic Review. Arch Intern Medicine; 167(6):540–549
- Vrijens, B. Vincze G, Kristanto P, Urquhart J, Burnier M. (2008). Adherence to Prescribed Antihypertensive Drug Treatments: Longitudinal Study of Electronically Compiled Dosing Histories. British Medical Journal; 336:1114–1117
Assessment tools/evaluation
- PCRS. (2006). Assessment of Primary Care Resources and Supports for Chronic Disease Self-Management. Developed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Diabetes Initiative.
- PCRS. (2008). Assessment of Primary Care Resources and Supports for Chronic Disease Self-Management. UK version PCRS adapted for use in UK in June 2008
- Sweeney G. (2009). Year of Care Review Report. February AND Duquemin A. (2010). Views And Decisions For Consideration By Year Of Care Programme Board: Wave 2 interviews with Key Stakeholders. January
- Tribal Consulting. (2009). Evaluating the delivery and Impact of the Year of Care for diabetes Project: Interim report: November
- Duquemin A. (February 2011). Year Of Care: Reflections On Introducing A Complex Intervention Into A Complex Environment
- Department of Health and Diabetes UK. (2006). Care Planning in Diabetes. Care Planning Working Group